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01/23 Socrates Definition of Philosophy
- Readings:
- Required:
- Plato, Symposium RAPG p.282
- Plato, Apology RAPG p. 115
- Plato, Meno, 80a-80d, RAPG p. 211
- Plato, Theatetus, 148e-151d (find in the library or read it Here)
- Recommended:
- Cohen, "Plato", RAGP, p. 89-96
- Nails, ``Socrates'',The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N.Zalta(ed.), url=http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/socrates
- Sarah Broadie, ``The Sophists and Socrates'', CCGRP p.73-97
- Homework 1: Study Questions
- What are our sources about the historical Socrates? Do we know much about him?
- Socrates, as a mythical figure, is said to be atopos. Explain what this term means.
- What is the so-called "Socrates'irony"?
- Explain why the philo-sopher can not be wise on the basis of Diotima's discourse ( Symposium).
- In the Theatetus, Socrates likens himself to a midwife. Explain in what sense.
- Course Notes: Chapter 3
01/25 Socrates's definition of philosophy, foll. -- Socrates' Ethics
- Readings:
- Plato, Apology again
- Study Question: What are the main ethical principles that Socrates assumes to be true in his defense ?
01/30 Socrates's Method of Definition
- Readings: Euthyphro RAPG p. 97-114.
- Homework 2:
Write an outline of Euthyphro, 7a (Definition of piety as is what is god-loved) to 11c . Your outline should Distinguish the structure of the argument, that is,
- distinguish its different parts, or steps of the argument,
- distinguish, in each different step, the main idea that contributes to the conclusion,
- determine how this main idea:
- is established,
- supports the conclusion.
I recommend that you work on the basis of Cynthia Freeland's outline of the Euthyphro. This is kind of work I ask for, but of course, you are expected to go into more details concerning the targeted passage.
- Course Notes: Chapter 4