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Fall 2013 -- University of Montana
- HC 395: Prelaw Seminar : A seminar about why and how to go to law school.
- PHL 501: Philosophical Foundations of Ecology : A study of the major issues in the foundations of ecology. Some of the questions covered are: is there a balance of nature, what is the nature and role of models in ecology, are there laws of ecology, what is biodiversity and should we care about it (and if so why).
Spring 2013 -- University of Montana
- HC 395: Prelaw Seminar : A seminar about why and how to go to law school.
- PHL 391: Darwin and Design : A study of the intellectual origins and the influence of Darwin's ideas within our Western Culture.
- PHL 262: History of Modern Philosophy: A survey of the major philosophers of the modern period (17th and 18th centuries) focusing on metaphysics and epistemology.
Fall 2012 -- University of Montana
- PHL 462: David Hume: Origins and Limits of Knowledge, The Cases of Causation and Induction : A study of Hume's philosophies of mind and knowledge, with an emphasis on his views on causation and inductive inference.
Spring 2012 -- University of Montana
- PHL 262: History of Modern Philosophy : A survey of the major philosophers of the modern period (17th and 18th centuries) focusing on metaphysics and epistemology.
- PHL 501: Philosophical Foundations of Ecology: A study of the major issues in the foundations of ecology. Some of the questions covered are: is there a balance of nature, what is the nature and role of models in ecology, are there laws of ecology, what is biodiversity and should we care about it (and if so why).
Fall 2011 - University of Montana -- Research Leave
Spring 2011 - University of Montana
- PHL 262: History of Modern Philosophy : A survey of the major philosophers of the modern period (17th and 18th centuries) focusing on metaphysics and epistemology.
Fall 2010 - University of Montana -- Family Leave
Spring 2010 - University of Montana
- PHIL 252: History of Modern Philosophy : A survey of the major philosophers of the modern period (17th and 18th centuries) focusing on metaphysics and epistemology.
- PHIL 411: Philosophy of science : A study of the major issues in the philosophy of science
Fall 2009 - University of Montana
- PHIL200 : Ethics: Great Traditions : A large lecture course in which the major approaches to Ethics in the Western tradition are studied, and some issues in applied ethics are discussed.
- PHIL 452: Descartes vs Hume : A study of DescartesÕ and HumeÕs philosophies focusing on metaphysics and epistemology.
Spring 2009 - University of Montana
- PHIL200 (Spring 09): Ethics: Great Traditions : A large lecture course in which the major approaches to Ethics in the Western tradition are studied, and some issues in applied ethics are discussed.
- PHIL 252: History of Modern Philosophy : A survey of the major philosophers of the modern period (17th and 18th centuries) focusing on metaphysics and epistemology.
Fall 2008 - University of Montana
- PHIL200 (Fall 2008): Ethics: Great Traditions : A large lecture course in which the major approaches to Ethics in the Western tradition are studied, and some issues in applied ethics are discussed.
- PHIL 240: History and Philosophy of Science : A study of science and the scientific method as it has developed since its origination in ancient Greece.
Spring 2008 - IIT Chicago
- HUM 104: Age of Darwin : A general humanities class on how Darwin's theory has influenced our worldview within Western culture Ð readings in literature and philosophy.
- PHIL 301: Introduction to Ancient Philosophy : An introductory course to ancient philosophy focusing on epistemology and metaphysics, motivated by excursions in ethics.
Fall 2007 - IIT Chicago
- HUM 104: Age of Darwin : A general humanities class on how Darwin's theory has influenced our worldview within Western culture Ð readings in literature and philosophy.
- PHI 302: Origins of Modern philosophy : A survey of the major philosophers of the modern period (17th and 18th centuries) focusing on metaphysics and epistemology.
2006-2007 - IIT Chicago
- HUM 104: Age of Darwin : A general humanities class on how Darwin's theory has influenced our worldview within Western culture Ð readings in literature and philosophy.
- PHI 301: Introduction to Ancient Philosophy : A survey of the work of ancient philosophers (Plato, Aristotle and the hellenistic schools) focusing on epistemology and metaphysics, but motivated by excursions in ethics.
2003-2005 - Jussieu Paris VII
- CH284: History and Philosophy of science : A study of science and the scientific method as it has developed since its origination in ancient Greece.
- IF206: Statistical Methods and computer tools for the Humanities: A computer lab class in which the students (mostly historians) learn about statiscal methods and computer software.