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Useful Links
Shelley, Frankenstein
Emile Zola
I did not find anything so interesting in English on the French naturalism... please tell me if you find something!
That said, here is fine links on Realism and Naturalism in American Literature.
David Hume -- Links gathered by William Edward Morris, "David Hume", SEP
- The Leeds Hume Project,
University of Leeds
- The Hume Society,
based at the Philosophy Department, University of Iceland
- David Hume page,
by Bill Uzgalis (Philosophy/Oregon
State University), including links to texts of the Enquiry
- Bibliography on Hume,
by Adam Potkay (English,
William and Mary)
- Ty's Hume Homepage,
maintained by D. Tycerium
- Entries on Hume in the Internet Encyclopedia of
Philosophy, by James Fieser, U. Tennessee/Martin
There is a lot on the web... and not all of it is good, to say the least! Beware ! Here is a list of good web site on Darwin and Darwinism, selected by James Lennox and Phillip Sloan, respective authors of the articles "Darwinism"
and "Evolution" in the SEP (No need to say, you can pretty much trust anything written by these two authors):
- Evolution 101,
a very clear course on the basics of the theory of evolution
- Charles Darwin: British Naturalist,
maintained by Robin Chew
- AboutDarwin.com,
maintained by David Leff
- Victorian Science: An Overview,
The Victorian Web (funded by the University Scholars Program, National
University of Singapore)
- Collected Papers of R. A. Fisher Relating to Genetics, Evolution, Eugenics and Miscellaneous, edited by Bennett, J. H., 1974, published by the University of Adeleaide.
- The Huxley File, maintained by Blinderman, C. and D. Joyce (Clark University).
- Buffon's Natural History: General and Particular, translated by William
Smellie (8 vols. 1781).
- The Writings of Charles Darwin on the Web, edited by Dr. John van Wyhe.
- Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, maintained by Pietro Corsi.
- Carl Linnaeus, Botanical History, article by Louise Petrusson, hosted by the Swedish Museum of Natural History.