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PHIL 252 -- Introduction to Modern Philosophy -- Spring 2010
1/13 The website is created...
THE MIDTERM EXAM IS ON MONDAY 3/15 -- THE ESSAY IS DUE ON THURSDAY 3/18 at 2pm in my mailbox. THE REVIEW SESSION IS ON SUNDAY, 3/14, at 2pm, in LA 106
The final exam counts for 45% of your final grade. It is divided into two parts:
- A take-home Essay -- due in class on April 30th -- 15% of your final grade
- A comprehensive in-class exam: Short questions for short answers -- 30% of your final grade
If your grade for the in-class final exam is higher than your midterm grade, then your midterm grade will be forgotten, and your in-class final exam will count for 30%+15% = 45% of your grade.
The Second Essay Topic is downloadable here . The essay in due on Friday, April 30th in class.
The review session for the final exam will take place on Wednesday, May 12th, from noon to 1pm, in LA 336.
The final exam will take place on Thursday, May 13th, 3:20-5:20, in LA 106 (regular classroom)