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- June 2013. Enlightening Falsehoods: Scientific Understanding beyond truth. Symposium on "Understanding and Realism" at the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice 2013, Toronto.
- April 2013. La philosophie de la physique aujourd'hui, Invited Talk, University of Lyon.
- April 2013. Les relations causales sous-jacentes aux corrélations de Bell, Invited Talk, University of Lyon.
- April 2013. La philosophie de la physique aujourd'hui, Invited Talk, Institut de Physique, University of Rennes.
- April 2013. La compréhension Scientifique, Invited Talk, Paris IV Sorbonne.
- April 2013. La philosophie de la physique aujourd'hui, Invited Talk, University of Lille.
- March 2013. La philosophie de la physique aujourd'hui, Invited Talk, Institut de Physique, University of Rennes.
- March 2013. La philosophie de la physique aujourd'hui, Invited Talk, Archives Poincarƒ, University of Nancy.
- March 2013. La philosophie de la physique aujourd'hui, Invited Talk, IHPST, Paris.
- March 2013. Les relations causales sous-jacentes aux corrélations de Bell, Invited Talk, ENS Ulm, Paris.
- Sept. 2012. Enlightening Falsehoods, Invited Talk, Philosophy Forum, University of Montana.
- Oct. 2011. Enlightening Falsehoods, Invited Talk, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh.
- May 2011. Why understanding matters -- or not, Invited Lecture, IHPST, Paris.
- April 2010. Bell-type correlations: the hidden causal picture re-assessed, Philosophy Forum, University of Montana.
- Jan. 2010. Bell-type correlations: the hidden causal picture re-assessed, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
- Nov. 2008. Defending the Semantic View: What it takes, Philosophy of Science Association Conference, Pittsburgh.
- May. 2008. Defending the Semantic View: What it takes, Invited Lecture, Conference
- Entanglement and Complexity, University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis.
- Feb. 2008. Bell-type correlations: the hidden causal picture re-assessed, Invited Lunch Talk, Center for Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh.
- Jan. 2008. Defending the Semantic View: What it takes, Invited Lecture, Philosophy Colloquium, University of South Carolina.
- May 2007. Des mondes et des particules (Worlds and particles), invited commentary on Jean Bricmont, La mécanique quantique pour non physiciens, Conférences Pierre Duhem de la SPS, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
- March 2007. Interpretations of quantum mechanics, Invited Lecture for the Alliance Française, Missoula, Montana.
- March 2007. Logical models or scientific models, a false dilemma for the semantic view , Philosophy Forum, Philosophy Department, Missoula, Montana.
- December 2006. A Fine Lecture, Humanities Department Colloquium, I.I.T.
- June 2006. In defense of the semantic conception of scientific models, HOPOS Conference, Paris.
- Mai 2006. Sur l'interprétation du théorème de Bell par Fine, Graduate Conference IHPST, Paris.
- April 2006. Sur quelques mythes concernant la conception sémantique des modèles scientifiques, Journée d'étude, Vie Vécue, vie expliquée, Centre Cavailles, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.
- April 2006. Logical or scientific models: a false dilemma for the semantic view, 33rd Annual Dubrovnik Philosophy of Science Conference.
- January 2006. The interpretations of quantum mechanics: the current state of play. Physics Seminar, University of Bielefeld.
- Nov 2005. Statistical independence in Bell's theorem : locality or rationality?, Neuere Themen der Wissenschaftsphilosophie Seminar, Bielefeld Universität.
- Oct 2005. Statistical independence in Bell's theorem : locality or rationality?, Young Quantum Meetings, CREA, Brussels.
- August 2005. Statistical Independence : Locality or Rationality, Summer School, Philosophy, Probability, and Physics, Konstanz.
- June 2005. L'indépendance statistique : localité ou rationalité, Philosophy of Physics Seminar, organised by Guido Bacciagaluppi and Michel Bitbol, IHPST, Paris.
- June 2005. L'indépendance statistique : localité ou rationalité, Graduate Conference, Paris VII
- March 2005. Statistical Independence : Locality or Rationality, Work In Progress Graduate Seminar, HPS department, Université de Pittsburgh.
- March 2005. Les interprétations de la mécanique quantique, "Après midis quantiques" (Quantum Afternoons), organised by the "group M", Nancy 1.
- Jan 2005. Que reste-t-il des lois de nature dans la conception sémantique des théories scientifiques, Symposium "What a future for laws of nature?" for the First congress of the Society of Philosophy of Science, Paris.
- Dec 2004. Statistical independence between locality and rationality,
"Philosophy, Probability and Physics", Workshop organised by par Guido Bacciagaluppi and Stephan Hartman, Paris.
- Sept 2004. Experimental metaphysics from a certain perspective, 13th meeting on the Foundations of Physics, York.
- June 2004. What status should be given to the quantum description of the world ?, Answer to Hervé Zwirn's talk, LPHS-Archives Poincaré Conference : Rethinking the comparative evolution of scientific theories, Nancy.
- November 2003. Explanation, Emergence and Quantum-Entanglement, Answer to A. Hüttemann, Conference Jean Nicod Institute, Réduction and Emergence, Paris.
- Sept 2003. A propos de la Non-localité : expérience, théorie et interprétation : les niveaux de légitimité des discours scientifiques, SOPHA Conference, Langage, Penséee, Action, Montréal.
- August 2003. Epistelological Morals of a Twenty Years Long Meaningless Discussion about Non-Locality, LMPS Conference, Oviedo.
- April 2003. Non-locality : a Twenty Years Long Meaningless Discussion, International Congress in Philosophy of Science, Dubrovnic.